(posted to dev by muscle memory, please ignore that one)


Just wondering if anything is ongoing to automatically provide a mapping from maven injected properties to ant attributes. I've done a little work on the xdoclet plugin on my machine that means instead of providing the following:

<ejbdoclet destdir="${project.build.directory}/ generated-sources/xdoclet" ejbspec="2.1"> <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/main/java" includes="**/*Bean.java"/> <entitycmp destDir="$ {project.build.outputDirectory}"/> <deploymentdescriptor destdir="$ {project.build.directory}/generated-sources/xdoclet"/>

we can write:

                <ejbdoclet ejbspec="2.1">
                  <fileset includes="**/*Bean.java"/>

The code I have would easily refactor into the ant run plugin, but obviously I don't want to double up if stuff
is already happening - seem to remember John was looking at this area.

- Ashley

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