I tried with offline=false and file:///mypath/ibiblio/maven2 (in settings.xml and in the command line).
Always the same message.

Finally, are you sure you got all the dependencies of the archetype plugin and the archetype artifact itself?
No I am not sure because no message warns me.
The character '*' meaning that all subfiles and subdirectories have been downloaded, the content of my /mypath/ibiblio/maven2 directory is :

NB : I don't know the difference between org/apache/maven/plugins and plugins/org/apache/maven, I took both

If you are sure you have all the dependencies, and that your repository path is correct, you can try the fully specified invocation, which looks
like: mvn <groupId>:<artifactId>:<version>:<goal>
I'm sure of nothing. I used url=file:///mypath/ibiblio/maven2. Is it right ? (I supposed that this path should stop at the directory "maven2", as the "internet" one does : http://www.ibiblio.org/maven2). Do I have to define it as a "pluginRepository" or as a "repository" ? (In doubt, I did both) Then, I tried mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:1.0-alpha-3:create -D... and gets another message (thanks for this!) : "Downloading http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-install-plugin/1.0-alpha-3/maven-archetype-plugin-1.0-alpha-3.pom"; ... Error getting pom ... from the specified remote repositories: central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)" So, I can't see mention of my repository. I don't know why. I might have missed something. Besides, when I look for this file in the internet repository, I can't find it.
Any help or suggestion will be welcomed.

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