Hi, apologies if this question has been posted before.

I have both maven 1.0.2 and maven 2.0 installed at the same computer
at my office behind a corporate firewall. I have configured my maven
1.0.2 to handle the proxy, and I'm able to get it to download needed
jar files without any problems. However, when I'm trying to get Maven2
to do the same thing it gives me the
"[WARNING] repository metadata for: 'artifact
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin' could not be
retrieved from repository: central due to an error: Error transferring
file" error, which I interpret as it can't get through the firewall.

For maven 1.0.2 my build.properties in the {user.home} looks like this:

For Maven2, in my {user.home}.m2 directory I have created a
settings.xml with this content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Any clues or workarounds?
Best regards

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