This is something I never understood so I'd like to know what was the reasoning behind the choices that were made although some weren't made by the maven project itself. First, as I didn't misunderstood this wrong, the ant xml format itself doesn't have a schema? I saw it can get extended using taskdef and loading a class and after that you can use
new targets. Which makes a schema useless I suppose.
Now, there's a possibility to insert some ant code inside the pom itself.
Wouldn't be better if when we call an external tool that uses some xml based format that it's code should use namespaces? I mean you must let tools be able to analyze the document, validate the content and offer code completion. Without namespaces I don't see these documents very xml-friendly. Also other path would be that the editors would have to know the various formats used and be able to do reflection run-time, but in which timespan can that be achieved?

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