On 11/27/05, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, I mean using libraries in a dependency fashion, rather than inheritance.

sorry but im lost on how to implement this 'dependency fashion'. it
might have just been terminologies or it can be a whole ballpark. :)  
basically my understanding of that is if i want to depend on a library
then i should have a list of the API that i could use which is
perfectly alright if i have those API handy. i am opting for
inheritance since most of the code in the assembly plugin is reusable
and i dont want to code them again in our plugin. thinking back this
also might not be prudent since i am not sure how parent methods will
perform with child variables. i guess i have to take a quick crash
review on oop.

> plexus-utils contains the DirectoryScanner class from Ant if you'd
> like a lighter dependency for that.

great. my beef is looking at the code of maven plugins (via the web
frontend since i cant use svn at the office), most use classes from
plexus utils. as a normal user, i would say that i can find more
information on the plexus website at codehaus but then again i am
facing the same blank wall when it comes to documentation
availability. i can even find the correct site for plexus utils. i
admit this is no longer a maven problem but since maven uses plexus
intensively then logic dictates that some form of documentation is
available to guide users in understanding how things work and what can
be done to extend and add to the existing functionalities-

> Our priorities for documentation are:
> 1) pure user documentation on Maven feature usage
> 2) plugin developer documentation and related javadoc
> 3) maven developer internals documentation and related javadoc

which is well and good. most of the javadoc problem is not even
directly maven-related. one thing that i find interesting is that i am
seeing a lot of maven-built maven-used utilities and the projects that
publish javadocs are rare even if there is a maven plugin for it. i am
amazed at the work being accomplished by the maven team (and other
people using these libraries) because they either have the means to
get all the source codes and generate the javadocs themselves, or else
they are really gifted coders. the rest of us who do not fit in those
categories are left twiddling our thumbs and scratcing our heads.

sorry if my mail is sounding like a rant. i am a convert, but it gets
pretty frustrating telling my superiors that most projects built by
maven do not even publish maven-generated reports. my coding skills
are only average but it does not inspire confidence when they see me
scrambling to get documentation so i can finish my takss and all the
while i am telling them that their migration to maven is a sound move.


> On 11/27/05, Anuerin Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > thanks brett. by composition you mean coding from scratch? currently i
> > am doing that but i was hoping to re-use some of the code in the
> > plugins. as it is i am going to use ant classes for directory scanning
> > and processing because most of the classes used in the code do not
> > have javadocs (and they seem to have low priority) to guide new users.
> > that is one issue that i have beef with but we have other alternatives
> > so we might as well leverage on that.
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"Programming, an artform that fights back"

Anuerin G. Diaz
Registered Linux User #246176
Friendly Linux Board @ http://mandrivausers.org/index.php
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