We are trying to use Maven 2 to manage our projects.

So far, we
have  osesm-lib  (which contains libs that I think all of our
projects might use), and osesm-webappA and osesm-webappB (which use
osesm-lib for things like db access and constant lookups).  I want to
deploy osesm-webappA and osesm-webappB to my servlet container.  I
want to use create a jar of dependencies so it will be easier to maintain
these in the future.  

Can I create multiple
assemblies?  I don't want osesm-webappA and osesm-webappB to contain
any of the dependencies that osesm-lib has.  I noted in the assembly
descriptor file, you can use excludes.  Is there a way to exclude
everything a dependency may bring over without explicitly excluding each
item in each assembly descriptor file?

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