I have the following where I want to reuse two previous goals I wrote to do
a clean, update from repository, and then build (for our continuous
integration build) as follows:

    <goal name="buildCI" />
        <attianGoal name="clean"/>
        <attainGoal name="updateSource"/>
        <attainGoal name="build" />

The clean and updateSource work fine, but the build just says "Starting
reactor..." and then it ends prematurely before running the build and with
no errors, claiming Build Successful.

Looking at the goals below in more detail, do you see where I might be doing
something wrong?  Can you reuse forEach loops like I do below?  I'm using
Maven 1.0.2.

Please feel free to respond to me directly...thanks!


    <j:set var="portlet_projects" value="AgileProject" />

    <goal name="updateSource" description="Updates source from PVCS call in
ANT script">
        <ant:ant dir="./" antfile="build.xml" target="update" >
            <!-- if a label is provided, it will pull the code as such -->
            <property name="label" value="${scm.label}"/>

     <goal name="clean" description="Clean up output files.">
        <u:tokenize var="portlet_projects" delim=",">
        <j:forEach items="${portlet_projects}" var="portlet_project"
                <ant:delete dir="${basedir}/../${portlet_project}/build"/>
                <ant:delete dir="${basedir}/../${portlet_project}/dist"/>
                <ant:delete dir="${basedir}/../${portlet

        build the projects
    <goal name="build" >
        <u:tokenize var="portlet_projects" delim=",">
        <j:forEach items="${portlet_projects}" var="portlet_project"
            <m:reactor basedir="${basedir}/.."
                ignoreFailures="false" goals="war" />

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