At first view, what you could do is :
  * create a parent POM for your application
  * create a module for each component
  * create a pom.xml for each component

I see no need to setup several internal repositories.

For an example, you could have a look at how it's done in Maven itself :

Hope this helps,

2005/12/27, Valerio Schiavoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> we are developing 2 components. at this moment, they are subpackages of
> the
> same application, stored in one single cvs repository.
> also, they share a big ant build file.
> we want to split them into independant projects, and take advantage of
> maven
> .
> so, what is the best way to approach the problem?:
> -create 2 modules on the same cvs repository ?
> -create 2 independendant pom.xml and if necessary define one to be
> dependant
> from the other one ?
> --to do so, should I setup 2 internal maven repositories ?
> -if we want to package the 2 components toghether, shoudl we create a
> third
> "global" pom, that includes both of the previous ones?
> -are there any guidelines about setting up this kind of things?
> is there any issue i should consider first ? what is, in your opinion, the
> best way (or, a good working way) to approach this situation?
> thanks,
> valerio
> --
> To Iterate is Human, to Recurse, Divine
> James O. Coplien, Bell Labs

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