Ralph Pöllath wrote:

On 10.01.2006, at 16:56, Srepfler Srgjan wrote:

I'm having problems in using jetty, I've declared it in the pom:


and have added the montbay repo to settings.xml
however the plugin that it searches is org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jetty6-plugin, what might be the problem?
I use maven 2.0.1

Did you add the mortbay repo as a pluginRepository?

I used to have the followinng in my POM, and it worked:


I'm not currently using it anymore, so I can't make any guarantees.


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Yes, it's in settings.xml
I think it's not that the repos or artifacts are not there but the artifact itself is wrongly identified (org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jetty6-plugin which is clearly a wrong groupid) I've tried the latest maven snapshot from zones and the problem is still there.
Also I tried it with a clean webapp made from the web archetype.

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