
        Thank you for the link, I forgot this documentation!

But anyway, when I run the "mvn site" command, Maven creates 3 websites (1/module + 1 for the project) split in the directory tree :- ( ... Does it means that basically, maven can not aggregate module websites in the project website ?

Moreover, I do not know the best way of managing the examples that can be provided with a project.. creating dedicated modules will make my project grown exponentially :-/ unless I create recursively modules into my project modules ?


Le 17 janv. 06 à 12:43, Robert Taylor a écrit :
> I found no documentation on multi-module projects except this "In
> progress" one:
> http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-multi-module.html
See the Getting Started section:
"How do I build more than one project at once?"

Also, maven comes with an example project called "greeter" which demonstrates multi-project builds.


Romain Rouvoy wrote:
I use Maven for few days now and I find it very powerful but I need some help/feedback from experimented users.
Basically, I have a project that is split into several modules.
Each module is a simple Java project that contains a piece of the web site and several examples for users. Using maven2, I have created a POM project which contains several sub- modules using the following directory tree:
- pom.xml
- sub-module1/
    - pom.xml
    - src/
- sub-module2/
    - pom.xml
    - src/
- sub-module3/
    - pom.xml
    - src/
My questions are:
* How can I build the my-project web site that groups all the sub- modules websites using Maven ? * Where should I store my examples ? In sub-module1/examples/ directory ? In a sub-module1/src/examples/ ? Or in sub-module- examples/src ? I found no documentation on multi-module projects except this "In progress" one:

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