i am very new to this too, so the following may not be the best approach,
but what i have done is create some archetypes with poms that have entries




i also have some bash scripts that use these archetypes to let me add
sub-projects to my system.  the scripts do the following:
- instantiate an archetype at the appropriate position
- construct the correct module/dependency links by running sed on the
various pom.xml involved

for example, here is a fragment of a script that creates a sub-project

  mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId="edu.noao.nsa" \
                       -DarchetypeArtifactId="project-impl-archetype" \
                       -DarchetypeVersion="0.1" \
                       -Dversion="$VERSION" \
                       -DgroupId="edu.noao.nsa" \

  # if we have an interface then the main project depends on the
  # messaging system
  if [ $iface ]
    pushd "$SERVICE"

      sed -i -e "s/\\(^.*\\)\\(<\!-- DEPENDENCY-INSERT -->\\)/   
<dependency>\\n      <groupId>edu.noao.nsa<\\/groupId>\\n     
<version>$VERSION<\\/version>\\n    <\\/dependency>\\n\\n\\1\\2/"


  sed -i -e "s/\\(^.*\\)\\(<\!-- MODULE-INSERT
-->\\)/\\1<module>$SERVICE<\\/module>\\n\\1\\2/" pom.xml

if you follow the sed replacement carefully you'll see that it takes a pom


and produces one like:


so that the process can repeat.

i don't know if that is any help!


Romain Rouvoy wrote:
> Hi,
>       Thank you for the link, I forgot this documentation!
>       But anyway, when I run the "mvn site" command, Maven creates 3
> websites (1/module + 1 for the project) split in the directory tree :- (
... Does it means that basically, maven can not aggregate module
websites in the project website ?
>       Moreover, I do not know the best way of managing the examples that
> can be provided with a project.. creating dedicated modules will make my
project grown exponentially :-/ unless I create recursively
> modules into my project modules ?
> regards,
> romain
> Le 17 janv. 06 à 12:43, Robert Taylor a écrit :
>> > I found no documentation on multi-module projects except this "In
progress" one:
>> > http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-multi-module.html
>> See the Getting Started section:
>> "How do I build more than one project at once?"
>> http://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/index.html
>> Also, maven comes with an example project called "greeter" which
demonstrates multi-project builds.
>> /robert
>> Romain Rouvoy wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I use Maven for few days now and I find it very powerful but I need 
some help/feedback from experimented users.
>>> Basically, I have a project that is split into several modules. Each
module is a simple Java project that contains a piece of the web  site
and several examples for users.
>>> Using maven2, I have created a POM project which contains several sub-
modules using the following directory tree:
>>> my-project/
>>> - pom.xml
>>> - sub-module1/
>>>     - pom.xml
>>>     - src/
>>> - sub-module2/
>>>     - pom.xml
>>>     - src/
>>> - sub-module3/
>>>     - pom.xml
>>>     - src/
>>> My questions are:
>>> * How can I build the my-project web site that groups all the sub-
modules websites using Maven ?
>>> * Where should I store my examples ? In sub-module1/examples/
>>> directory ? In a sub-module1/src/examples/ ? Or in sub-module-
examples/src ?
>>> I found no documentation on multi-module projects except this "In
progress" one:
>>> http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-multi-module.html
>>> regards,
>>> Romain

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