
Since there is no functionality in the maven-war-plugin to support the use 
of custom manifest files, I'm getting desperate and I'm going to try to 
add it in.  I've checked out the latest code and I built it.  My POM has 
the following:


This gives me this error when I run mvn clean package:

[INFO] Failed to configure plugin parameters for: 
Cause: Cannot find setter nor field in 
org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration for 'manifestFile'

The stack trace says "Error configuring: 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin. Reason: Unable to parse the 
created DOM for plugin configuration".  Where is this code?  To add this 
functionality would I have to modify the parser?  Would I have to modify 
Plexus WarArchiver code?  If so, I can't find the source anywhere.  Their 
CVS and their SVN repos don't seem to work anymore.  Could someone more 
experienced with the code (e.g. a Maven developer) point me in the right 
direction?  Can it even be done?  This is sort of a last ditch effort for 
me since my attempts at a workaround have failed.

Please reply.  I'm really desperate for this custom manifest file feature. 
 Thanks again.

_Mang Lau

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