Hello Maven developers,
We're in the beginning stages with our Tuscany site
and we are using Maven 2.x. 
  Currently our site is generated (mvn site) and then
both the src and 
target/site is checked in to subversion.  It seems we
then need to logon to the 
apache site machine and do svn update. This seems a
little less than optimal 
considering especially that maven site has a deploy (
I think it scp which I'm 
not too familiar with) Is ASF set up to handle this ? 
Is there a better way to 
manage this?  This may be a little of topic for this
group but googling and 
searching the mailing achieves has left me with no
hints.  So I figured you are 
the experts :-)
Any advise how to handle this would be appreciated .. thanks.

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