This is also what we are doing, except that we never check-in the
x.x.xversion (it goes only in the tag). This way, nobody else -
Continuum - will work on the version x.x.x and produce a
x.x.x-stampedartifact that would erroneously look like a release.

1. Check that all dependencies are non-SNAPSHOT
2. Replace version x.x.x-SNAPSHOT with x.x.x
4. Replace version x.x.x with x.x.x+1-SNAPSHOT
5. Check in
6. (Optionnaly deploy, but Continuum will do it for us)
7. Check out tag
8. Deploy tag

On 3/10/06, Brian E. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is exactly what I have to do. I use a tool to find and replace
> across files. Fortunately, we are using 4 digit build numbers so I know
> I'm not replacing something incorrectly (example: So it goes
> like this:
> Replace x.x.x.x-SNAPSHOT with x.x.x.x
> Check in.
> Tag.
> Replace x.x.x.x with x.x.x.x+1-SNAPSHOT
> Check in.
> Deploy.
> Check out tag.
> Deploy
> (doing all the above as fast as possible so continuum doesn't find
> mismatched versions)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barrie Treloar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 10:08 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: release:prepare errors
> On 3/10/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The pom in the scm, I then check out the project then, I can run maven
> > from the work directory.
> >
> > Then the release:prepare replaces the current pom with the tag pom
> > that is generated.
> >
> > Can someone help with this problem?
> >
> > Thanks,
> Caveat: I have not done any of this yet, we are nowhere near needing to
> build a release, however I scraped this off the list somewhere so I am
> including it here in case it offers you any help.  I have no idea
> whether the release plugin has had the known issues fixed. I would
> suggest checking JIRA.
> Notes I have collected follow:
> -----------------
> Given that the mvn release:prepare / perform still has known major
> issues.
> Does anyone out there have a reliable method for doing a manual release.
> e.g .
> 1) Can you just do a search and replace
>        <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> replace with
>        <version>1.0</version>
>     I guess you have to look at each dependency first ?
> 2) Then check into SCM
> 3) Then do you do a CVS label / tag
> 4) Then do you do a second search and replace for <version>1.0<
>        <version>1.0</version>
>          replace with
>        <version>1.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
>    Again I guess you have to look at all dependencies first ?
> 5) Then check into SCM again ?
> Any thoughts on how to semi automate the replace steps ? or at least
> document how to do a manual mvn release.
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