> > Everything else (build, run, jar:install, tests) is
> > run with 'maven xyz' from command line, it's easier to manage.
> Can you explain how com it may be easier to manage? In my opinion it
> is just inconvenient. Imagine working this way with ant, which is
> tightly incorporated into Eclipse JDT.

Personally I prefer to run Maven outside of my IDE. It guarantees that
my projects will always build 100% with just the scripts, no
requirements for the IDE, and allows me to guarantee that our future
Continuous Integration and Production Deployment efforts will have a
very low probability for errors/gotchas.

Also not everyone likes the same IDE. We have people using Eclipse,
Netbeans, IDEA, SubEthaEdit, etc on a variety (Win32, Linux, Mac OS X,
and of course deployment is on Solaris) of platforms.

Running Maven from the command line is the ONE TRUE TEST that the
project builds and deploys properly. (We deploy locally and to
centralized dev servers.)


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