localRepository does refer to a single user's local cache of artifacts.

You can also configure Maven to use any other repository over a
variety of protocols.  If this is a repository on your intranet,
that's fine too.  You can access the repository via http, scp, sftp,
and some others that may not be as fully tested, but I'm not sure of
the status of each.




to start.


On 3/16/06, Bruno Patini Furtado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I´m starting to use maven now (never used version 1.x.x) and have some
> doubts about Maven´s repositories.
> How could I set a local intranet Maven repository to our company´s projects
> components? How does maven lives with the Internet repositories and local
> ones? Where I can find documentation on how to install artifacts to a
> specific local repo and not the other ones.
> I had this first idea that settings.xml´s local Repository element referred
> to a simple single user cache of the JARs used. But I´m starting to think
> that´s not the case.
> Any page describing this concepts?
> Any help will be most appreciated!
> Regards.
> --
> "Minds are like parachutes, they work best when open."
> Bruno Patini Furtado
> Software Developer
> webpage: www.bpfurtado.net
> software development blog: http://bpfurtado.livejournal.com

Stephen Duncan Jr

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