Hi Andreas!

Take a look at the Getting Started Guide (http://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/index.html), section "How do I filter resource files?". It explains how to reference the elements of the pom.xml/settings.xml using property-names.

I´m currently working on a book that covers Maven 2 as part of a pragmatic configuration management process and have done some "research" concerning the usage of properties. AFAIK, properties are resolved in the following order:

- The (hard-coded) property ${basedir} (contains the path of the POM-file)
- All Java System Properties defined by the JVM.
- All properties defined in the properties-element of the POM.
- All elements in pom.xml and settings.xml as stated above
- All (platform-specific) Environment variables (Just add the prefix env. For example ${env.M2_HOME} returns the Maven2 installation path).

I´m not 100% sure about the list and appreciate any additions/corrections.



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