I have a project that generates a Flash SWF file as its artifact. At the
moment, I have the 'packaging' value set to 'jar', for lack of a better
value. The problem is that this causes an empty jar file to be created,
alongside my SWF file. However, I don't see how I can avoid this, since the
other "built in" packaging types (e.g. war, ear) are no better suited to my

My POM is very simple, comprising only the use of the dependency and exec
plugins. Looking at the M2 docs, the only way I see to have a custom
packaging is to define it within a custom plugin. However, I don't need any
additional plugins, and that seems like a complicated way to solve a simple
problem. Is there some other way I can either define a custom packaging (or
just a lifecycle), or even just tell the jar packaging not to do most of
what it does by default?

Martin Cooper

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