did you try to use a repository instead to check if it fails the same way ?
I'm using download way and it is working fine. I've tried with the system syntax way and I see that maven is downloading the pom file. May be you are missing it. Building the site and compilation is working fine for me if I use compile or system scope (maven 2.0.2).

Here is my dependency section for log4j to test the download way (avoids you to rewrite it just copy and paste it):

Are you sure it is the generation of the site that causes a nullpointer exception and not when it is running a unit test ? May be it is related to your code. I say this because: * if compilation fails, building the site will remove any interaction with your code (starting unit tests, coverage, etc) and you have no exception. Note that this means that building the site does require log4j version 1.2.13. * if compilaton succeeds, then site cannot be built and a NullPointerException is raised. And what is the difference ? interaction with your code. I would say that the problem is coming from your code (but may be I'm worng).

Could you post the stack trace ? I'm not qualified if this a maven error but may be some others on the list are (I don't think that full stack is useful but 50 first lines could be useful so we can see where it is thrown).
And we can see at which level the exception happens.

Amund Mortensen a écrit :
I'm having a problem with M2, hope you guys can help me.
When I run mvn site I get a null pointer exception, mvn compile works great.
This is when I got this section in my pom.xml:


When I remove this section, mvn site work great. But mvn compile does not work, understanderbli, complains about the log4j package.

So.. What could be the cause of the null pointer?


- Amund.

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