<scope>test</scope> is the closest thing I can think of.  Test dependencies are 
not transitive so you need to declare them in each module. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Clifton Craig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 2:15 PM
To: users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Conditional dependencies in M2

Hello all,

I am converting from Ant/Ivy to Maven2 and I have a question regarding 
dependencies in Maven2. In Ivy I could define dependencies which would be 
conditionally considered based on my build configuration. for example, I could 
define in a project Foo, a dependency on Bar for all configurations and a 
dependecy on Box for the test configuration of project Foo. Then, another 
project, say Fuzz, could depend on Foo and use either its default configuration 
(which would transitivly bring in Bar but not Box)  or use its test 
configuration (which would transitivly bring in Bar AND Box). How is this done 
in Maven? I read up on profiles and I'm wondering if that's the answer, or if 
there's a more straight foward way of doing the same. Could somebody provide an 
example of a Maven equivalent? Thanx in advance.

Clifton C. Craig, Software Engineer
Intelligent Computer Systems -  A Division of GBG [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 

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