On 4/26/06, Tom Joad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Clifton,
> From repository point of view , plugin is an artifact as another. So I
> don't  understand why
> it can be downloaded. I use maven proxy standalone version and until
> know i don'have to declare something special about pluginrepository.
> But last week , I needed to use a snaphot version of
> maven-tomcat-plugin , I have to add profile like below in my
> settings.xml. So My maven-proxy is also a pluginrepository. (Don't ask
> me  what is difference betwenn repository and pluginrepository,  i
> have no answer now) .

A repository is only used for dependencies while a plugin repository
is only used for plugins. Those categories are used mainly to restrict
the use of a given repository, it doesn't change anything in the
repository implementation.

> I suggest you
> first if you have M2_HOME/conf/pluginregistry.xml file to rename it.
> It seems I already have problem with it.
> Second add lines like this on your settings.xml
> <profiles>
>         <profile>
>                 <id>default-profile</id>
>                 <activation>
>                         <activeByDefault>TRUE</activeByDefault>
>                 </activation>
>                 <pluginRepositories>
>                         <pluginRepository>
>                                 <name>*******</name>
>                                 <url>******</url>
>                                 <id>*******</id>
>                                 <snapshots>
>                                         <enabled>TRUE</enabled>
>                                 </snapshots>
>                         </pluginRepository>
>                 </pluginRepositories>
>         </profile>
> </profiles>
> Wher name url and id match same values as under mirrors one.
> Tom.
> 2006/4/25, Clifton Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Tom,
> >
> > Ok I got some better info. I was naming the maven-proxy mirror wrong in my
> > settings.xml. After I fixed up the settings.xml (I added /repository to the
> > end of my internal mirror URL) it looked like it was working a litlle 
> > better.
> > For one reason or another I am not able to download plugins from the proxy. 
> > I
> > think I can get everything else ok. Also I'm still not confident of the
> > proxies ability to download from the internet. I still need help. Thanx for
> > your consideration.
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------
> > Clifton C. Craig, Software Engineer
> > Intelligent Computer Systems -  A Division of GBG
> >
> > On Tuesday 25 April 2006 11:44 am, Tom Joad wrote:
> > > I didn't ask so many questions about maven-proxy when I configure it
> > > and  perhaps  I miss something on the deep  way it works. So I suggest
> > > you to reconfigure completely the proxy from the one provided by
> > > archive . you only change  values which are your owns like proxy .
> > > I think your proxy and public repository connexion are wright.
> > > Delete local-repo from repo.list.
> > > Simply browse repository doesn't download artifact or pom file.
> > > You have to declare it as a dependency on a project and for example
> > > compile project
> > >
> > > Tom.
> >
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