I agree with Jamie. Since the ability to build javadoc and source jars
is a built in part of the maven deploy plugin, it doesn't make sense
that the only way to get maven to download them is using an eclipse
specific plugin. What if people want to use these source files for
other things or with other editors (like IDEA or NetBeans), then this
functionality would have to be reimplemented. So, just as Jamie said,
I think the piece that downloads the POMs and binaries should have a
switch that will make it download the sources and javadocs (in the XML
or as a -D option like on the eclipse plugin).

On 4/26/06, Jamie Bisotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/26/06, Aaron Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > So what you all are saying is that the "eclipse:eclipse
> > -DdownloadSources=true" command is the only way to get Maven to copy
> > source jars into the local repository. So if you already have .project
> > and .classpath file, the there is no way to get the sources in the
> > local repository without messing up my .project and .classpath file.
> >
> >
> >
> > On 4/26/06, gdub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Tom Huybrechts wrote:
> > >  > The Eclipse plugin will (or should)
> > >  > only download javadocs if the
> > >  > sources are not available. Makes
> > >  > sense for Eclipse, since it will
> > >  > extract the javadocs from the sources if needed.
> > >
> > > Ah. I see. I deleted a source
> > > archive and it did indeed attach
> > > the javadoc archive instead.
> > >
> > > However, I think it should attach
> > > both if if finds them. In Eclipse,
> > > shift-f2 pops up a browser pointed
> > > at the javadocs for the item under
> > > the cursor. If only the sources
> > > are attached that function doesn't
> > > work.
> > >
> > > With only the sources attached,
> > > hovering over an item shows the javadoc
> > > in a local window but the ui is not
> > > as functional as the normal browser-
> > > based api docs.
> > >
> > >   -dub
> > >
> > >
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> >
> Seems like there should be a non-Eclipse-related method of downloading
> source/javadoc.  I'd think whatever code downloads the POMs/binaries/etc
> could/should be responsible for downloading these as well, at the same
> time.  Some sort of switch in the XML could turn this on/off for users who
> don't like the default.
> My $0.02.
> --
> Jamie

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