Actually, it seems as thought if I use a normal property value in the plugin
configuration vs. an escaped one everything works.  I'm not sure I
understand why. . .


Change: $\{db.driver\} in plugin configuration
TO:     ${db.driver}


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David H. DeWolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: Profile Properties affecting another Profile
> I am unable to get profiles to cooperate with each other as I 
> would like.
> Has anyone done something similar to the following:
> 1) setup one profile within my pom which includes
>    several integration-test plugins which need to 
>    be executed on multiple environments. 
> 2) setup several profiles within my 
>    profiles.xml which specify the environment 
>    information which this profile should use. 
> 3) Configure the plugins in #1 above to utilize
>    profile properties (such as $\{db.driver\})
>    set in the profiles specified in #2
>    for their configuration.
> I then activate the profiles by:
> mvn -P itest -Denv=local
> mvn -P itest -Denv=dev
> mvn -P itest -Denv=test
> Examples of the pom and profiles.xml are below.
> Unfortunately the profile properties do not seem to be 
> available in for the plugins to use.  A quote on the maven wiki
> (
> led me to believe this was doable, but I haven't found any 
> references to anyone doing something similar.
> The reason I'm doing this is to avoid having to configure 
> each set of integration tests for each and every environment. 
>  This seems to be much more rohbust than I need.
> How are other people solving this problem?
> Should what I'm trying to accomplish work?
> Any suggestsion?  
> Thanks,
> David
> pom.xml:
> =============================================
> . . .
> <profile>
>   <id>itest</id>
>   <build>
>     <plugins>
>     . . .integration test plugins here. . .
>     </plugins>
>   </build>
> </profile>
> profiles.xml
> =============================================
> <profiles>
>   <profile>
>         <id>local</id>
>         <activation>
>             <property>
>                 <name>env</name>
>                 <value>local</value>
>             </property>
>         </activation>
>         <properties>
>             <db.driver>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</db.driver>
> <db.url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db?autoReconnect=true</db.url>
>             <db.user>user</db.user>
>             <db.pass>pass</db.pass>
>         </properties>
>     </profile>
>     . . .
> </profiles>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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