This is good news.  But I think it's not as easy for me as for you!!
Well it is really straight forward. I just have my maven 2.0 multi-modules project as a eclipse project.

After I ran mvn eclipse:eclipse I imported the nested projects through the standard project import by pointing into my multi-modules project. In older Version you got an error because of nested project structure. Now you don't get one :-)
When I run eclipse:eclipse on my parent POM that has 2 modules, Maven only generates project files for each of the modules -- the parent does not get a project generated. Unless that is not what you meant.

Do you go ahead an create the parent eclipse project by hand? Of course, I just did that, and it does work. So this might be a nice improvement -- I'll have to go ahead and use it and see how it works out for me.



Jochen Wiedmann schrieb:
On 5/12/06, Ingo D�ppe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The new upcoming Eclipse Version 3.2 (Callisto) does support nested
projects. So there is no need for any workaround to get nested project
structure into eclipse.

I am interested in that feature. Perhaps others are as well. Could you
please drop me
a note, where it is documented?



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