On 15-May-06, at 1:51 PM, Julian Wood wrote:

PS. I do regularly use the trick where you configure the war plugin to use a resources directory which was the target of a regular resource filtering process, and this works well, but adds a lot of ambiguity to the pom.

Hmm, I've just noticed that this trick seems to have broken with the latest war plugin. I'm not getting filtering on any of my old projects which employ this technique. It depends on:

<warSourceDirectory>$ {project.build.directory}/filtered-webapp-resources</warSourceDirectory>

where you've filtered resources as normal to the filtered-webapp- resources dir. That part still works of course, but the maven-war- plugin now seems to ignore it's source directory and figure out its resources differently.

I would normally think this was okay, since it forces you to upgrade to a more transparent method of filtering (though there are still problems with that), but now that I think about it, none of my released (tagged) builds will build properly anymore, which seems like a bad thing.


Software Engineer
Teaching & Learning Centre
University of Calgary


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