A dependency is "something your project needs during compilation,
testing, or runtime".

A plugin is "something you want Maven to run during compilation,
testing, packaging, etc to do *something* to your project/code".

So your project might have a *dependency* on spring core.

And it might use the *plugin* axistools-maven-plugin to generate WSDL
out of your Java, or Java out of your WSDL.

And it might use the *report* javancss-maven-plugin to report on lines
of code in your project etc.

I have to imagine this is all covered in the M2 book mentioned
previously. Can't quote a specific page though... So keep reading. ;-)


On 5/17/06, Andrew Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The default location of your local repository is <home
directory>/.m2/repository, and you can walk the tree there to see what
has been downloaded.  <home directory> in Windows XP is typically
c:\documents and settings\<username>.

You should also try running mvn with the -X option, which prints out
debug information and makes the process easier to understand.  For
example: mvn -X jar:jar

On 5/17/06, Hycel Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, I'm the one who added the dependency to my pom.  However, when I
> executed the command, mvn jar:jar, I did not see any messages that it
> was downloading the spring core plugin.  So, I have two questions:
> 1) Where can I look to verify that the plugin has been downloaded?
> 2) What's the difference in defining a plugin as apposed to a dependency?
> Thanks.
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