
I'm trying to create an internal repository. It should only contain some libraries that are specific to our project, and not part of IBiblio. What I've done, is this (probably not right, so correct me where I'm wrong):

0. Add those libraries (3d-party jars) with mvn install:install-file
1. Add them as dependencies to my pom.xml
2. mvn install does a build successful.

I don't think every developer should do this, so what I want to do is share all those 3d-party libraries in an internal repository. I backed up my .m2 directory (and removed it), and this is what I did next.

1. Create a directory "custom-repos" on my webserver.
2. Recursively copied the directories from my local repository to my webserver (every custom library inside ~/.m2/repository)
3. Added the following line to my pom.xml:
          <name>My Custom Repository</name>
4. mvn install

Well, maven doesn't find or doesn't know how to interact with my custom repository. Can anyone give me a hint on what I'm doing wrong?

Also, is there a naming convention for repository id's? I was thinking to use the package name of this project, something like com.example.project.

Thanks in advance,
Chris Eidhof

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