Yeah, I had started looking at this, but was hoping for something that would work in both ant and maven 2 as I have to have both builds for this right now and I don't want to force them to go through having to install the maven tools for ant just to get this to work properly.

Sorry, forgot to mention that constraint in my original posting.


On May 29, 2006, at 4:44 PM, Henry S. Isidro wrote:

On Tuesday 30 May 2006 7:16 am, Warner Onstine wrote:
I wrote a simple task in maven.xml that moved a completed war file to
a deployment directory and would like to move this to m2. It isn't
clear from the documentation what lifecycle phase the war task
happens in now (especially since everything has changed so drastically).

Here's my snippet and would look for any advice on the easiest way to
move this (I've started adding in an maven-antrun-plugin to my pom,
but am not sure what to put in for the <phase> element).

<goal name="deploy-war">
         <attainGoal name="war:war"/>
         <copy file="${}/helloworld1.war" todir="$
{tomcat.install}/webapps" />


the tomcat.install variable is defined in a file
that both ant and maven can read.


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I think the M2 cargo plugin will help you in this case -->


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