I would love some advice...

I would like developers on my team to be able to checkout our maven project
from source control (Clearcase) and run the package goal on it to build it.
Ideally they need only install the maven eclipse plugin to execute that goal
within eclipse.

I've installed maven-proxy and loaded it with the dependencies and plugins
we use so far.  So finally to my question...

What is the best way to force all the developers to use maven-proxy?  Should
I specify it in the project pom.xml with <repository> and
<pluginRepository>tags?  Or should I put the entire maven install into
Clearcase with a
settings.xml file that specifies it with a <proxy> or <mirror> tag?

Since the maven-proxy will server multiple projects in the future it seems
like we should put it in the maven install settings.xml.  Is that what teams
are doing out there in order to simplify developers' lives (putting the
maven install with settings.xml in source control)?  We should be able to
share standard settings like this with the team automatically (rather than
each developer having to set the same settings in their personal
settings.xml).  My first attempt was to put a settings.xml file in the
project's "conf" directory but that didn't seem to get noticed.

As an aside, when you start maven-proxy it spits out this advice:  "Add the
following to your ~/build.properties file:
maven.repo.remote=http:/machine-name:9999/repository"  What
build.propertiesdo they mean?

Thanks for any and all help in getting us started using Maven!
- Michael

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