You should declare repositories in both and mirrors in settings.xml. A
corporation wide parent pom is the best solution to define
repositories but you still need to define them in settings.xml to
handle 2 specific cases :

1) Being able to retrieve the parent pom.
2) Run indivual goals that don't need a pom.

On 6/7/06, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We use ~/.m2/settings.xml for Maven-proxy configurations. If you use
<repo> in pom.xml, then your developers will always hit Central when
they build, which you probably want to avoid.

I believe the reference is simply leftover from M1
and can be safely ignored for those of us using M2.


On 6/7/06, Michael Waluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would love some advice...
> I would like developers on my team to be able to checkout our maven project
> from source control (Clearcase) and run the package goal on it to build it.
> Ideally they need only install the maven eclipse plugin to execute that goal
> within eclipse.
> I've installed maven-proxy and loaded it with the dependencies and plugins
> we use so far.  So finally to my question...
> What is the best way to force all the developers to use maven-proxy?  Should
> I specify it in the project pom.xml with <repository> and
> <pluginRepository>tags?  Or should I put the entire maven install into
> Clearcase with a
> settings.xml file that specifies it with a <proxy> or <mirror> tag?
> Since the maven-proxy will server multiple projects in the future it seems
> like we should put it in the maven install settings.xml.  Is that what teams
> are doing out there in order to simplify developers' lives (putting the
> maven install with settings.xml in source control)?  We should be able to
> share standard settings like this with the team automatically (rather than
> each developer having to set the same settings in their personal
> settings.xml).  My first attempt was to put a settings.xml file in the
> project's "conf" directory but that didn't seem to get noticed.
> As an aside, when you start maven-proxy it spits out this advice:  "Add the
> following to your ~/ file:
> maven.repo.remote=http:/machine-name:9999/repository"  What
> build.propertiesdo they mean?
> Thanks for any and all help in getting us started using Maven!
> - Michael

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