
Thanks for the reply!

> So what is the difference between:
> <version>SNAPSHOT</version>
> and
> <version>latest</version>

Basically I've been naming the atlassian-base snapshots as:

1.2-SNAPSHOT etc.

and so whenever I rev atlassian-base, I need to change all the child projects as well. So when I release 1.3 and the latest snapshots are now 1.3-SNAPSHOT, so I need to update all child project pointers from 1.2-SNAPSHOT to 1.3-SNAPSHOT, which is a slight PITA.

Specifying the parent version as:


doesn't seem to pickup 1.3-SNAPSHOT (I'm assuming I need to call my atlassian-base version, SNAPSHOT).

The key difference between "latest" and "SNAPSHOT" is that "latest" (which doesn't work) would find out what the latest version deployed on the repo is, and just try to use that? That way, I don't need to update my (unreleased) child projects every time I release atlassian-base.

I'm thinking this *should* be a fairly common use-case, and wondered what other solutions there are.


Mark C

Jörg Schaible wrote:
Hi Mark,

Mark Chaimungkalanont wrote on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:26 AM:

Guys & Gals,

I think I'm missing something fairly fundamental here.

I have a setup where there's a parent project, atlassian-base with
some common settings on it. This project has many sub-projects which
declares atlassian-base as the parent.

   <!-- Parent Project Information -->

My problem is that whenever I rev atlassian-base, I now need to go to
*all* the child projects and update the parent version manually.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to declare <version>latest</version> or
something equivalent so it just fetches the latest jar from the local
repo. Is something like this possible? Am I totally off the mark

So what is the difference between:




? You cannot release a final artifact, if your parent might change at any time. 
The effective-pom will be different then.

- Jörg

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