Another advantage of pre-compiling JSPs during Maven compile/package
phase is that you get a nice compile-time check on the JSP file before
wasting time deploying your EAR/WAR only to find out a JSP is missing
a semi-colon or something equally dumb when the app server gets around
to compiling it for the first time...


On 6/23/06, Alexandre Poitras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just to complete my answer, usually you would pack your precompiled
jsp pages in a jar respecting a naming convention according to your
application server so it can link them as servlets. I prefer to link
my pages as servlet at compile time to be sure my package will work on
any app server.

Anyway, I hate JSP. I much prefer Veloticy or Facelets in the JSF world :)

On 6/23/06, Alexandre Poitras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sorry if this is a banal question (I haven't done jsp precompiling yet),
> > so the jsp's get precompiled and exposed as servlets in the web.xml?
> Why?? In production it is usally the recommended approach.

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