I'm currently in Maven dependency hell, with a WAR file that is huge
due to loads of useless third party library dependencies. The WAR plugin
web site is next to useless, with the two most promising links "With war
dependencies" and "Filtering war dependencies" both returning 404 errors.

As an aside, the link for "With war dependencies" should be:



Although the corresponding page is empty. The link for the other page:


Doesn't exist in the source repository...

Anyway, how do I get rid of the dependencies that I don't want...? I'm not
prepared to add any thing to the main <dependencies> section of my pom.xml
files as these dependencies have nothing to do with my project. With the
assembly descriptor I can at least specify and <excludes> section with
<exclude>${groupId}:${artifactId}</exclude> tags to get rid of things.

How do I do the same with the WAR plugin...? The war:war documentation
suggests that there is a <dependentWarExcludes> tag, but doesn't give any
examples and the comment "The comma separated list of tokens to exclude
when doing a way overlay." is totally unhelpful.

Is that supposed to be:





Any help would be appreciated.


P.S. Is there a tool to show me where all the dependencies come form...?
i.e. a graphing tool or something that shows what is a dependency of what.

Bob Arnott

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