Can someone tell me please if this is how I should be installing?

Taking jars/poms from my .m2 directory and using the following command to 
install them into the remote repository?

If so, why maven 2 builds going to repo1 still for all kinds of plugins (scroll 

-----Original Message-----
From: EJ Ciramella [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2006 10:37 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: Interrnal remote repository

I'm using the following syntax;

mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=<gid> -DartifactId=<aid> -Dversion=<version> 
-Dpackaging=<pkgtype> -Dfile=<file> -DrepositoryId=central -Durl=<url>

This is how I'm installing to my internal remote repository.

Doesn't this generate all the metadata info? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Arnaud Bailly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2006 2:03 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Interrnal remote repository

"EJ Ciramella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Could you elaborate?  I'm kinda a maven noob. 

Information about plugins is kept in metadata files in the repo so
that they can be resolved. Not sure in your particular case but:
 - check your local repository (maybe try removing the artefact that
 cannot be resolved)
 - check metadata files in the remote repository (in the group
 directory I think
 - BTW, the correct (I think) groupId syntax is dot-separated

In my case, I had the problem because I did not understood the
difference between install and deploy (the metadata files seems to be
different): I kept building a plugin and "install"ing, then manually
copying the files. Everything ran fine on the machine that did the
install but for other users on different machine, thy kept having the
same error than yours. 

HTH, not sure I am very clear not very precise.
OQube < software engineering \ génie logiciel >
Arnaud Bailly, Dr.

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