I now think I know what the matter is.

It looks like doc-files/ directories have to be at least three directories deep in order to be copied. (This is in addition to the condition that the directory must contain .java files.)

com/lafros/juice/demo/doc-files: copied
com/lafros/juice/doc-files: copied
com/lafros/doc-files: NOT copied

This condition doesn't appear to be documented, and doesn't apply to javadoc itself.

Can anyone disprove this?


On 9 Jul 2006, at 18:21, Rob Dickens wrote:

It looks like the problem was confined to the version I'd compiled from src (a week before 2.0 was officially released). Anyway, I just cleared this from my local repository, thereby forcing the released version to be downloaded, and the problem went away.

Sorry for having wasted anyone's time.


On 31 May 2006, at 08:34, Rob Dickens wrote:

Still couldn't get this to work, so http://jira.codehaus.org/ browse/MJAVADOC-76

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