For those that may be trying to work out how excludes works I'm
posting to the list.

There is probably a JIRA issue (I haven't looked) that will address
pattern matching of excludes, there are comments in the code to
indicate that this would be a good feature.

To summarize my problem:
I have a module called <project>-build which creates an assembly of
all the other modules so that this can be given to our test team in
one go.  The problem I am having is that the assembly is not only
copying the * files but also the *.jar files even though the
dependency is only on the zip file.

My pom has this in it:

To work around this, I am excluding the jars using the assembly below:

         There is little documentation on this format.
         It is of the form of DefaultArtifact.getDependencyConflictId()
         which is <groupId>:<artifactId>:<type>:<classifier>
         or you can use the short form (hard coded into assembly) of
         This is a String equality match not a pattern match.

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