Hi there,

We've run into the following issue:

Our war project depends on a certain number of in house jar projects. Now, 
these jar projects are under development, so we're using snapshots, and 
publishing these to our company repository on a regular basis.

Now, the thing is that on some environments, the snapshot-jars end up in 
the web-inf\lib dir with filenames as follows: 
jarproject-3.1-20060725.121629-3.jar, whereas on other environments they 
end up with the following filename jarproject-3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

You might say, this is not a problem, because they get loaded by the 
classloader anyways, however, we're using a portal framework that requires 
the filenames to be known in advance.

Does anyone know why this happens, and how we can get around this issue?

Kind regards,

Stefan Magnus Landrø
BEKK Consulting

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