nope, it doesn't allow for that as far as I know, however that would
be a nice feature so if you would so good as to enter that as a
feature request at

that would be great


On 7/28/06, Daun DeFrance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

My apologies if this has been answered before.  I was wondering if there
was a way to configure continuum to send success messages after every
build to only those contributors who had checked in code since the last
build.  Continuum provides the ability to see which files where modified
as part of that build, can we then draw the next connection to the
contributor submitting the files and them email them even on a
successful build?  I don't want to spam the whole team continuously for
successful builds but would like to let those who contributed code that
the "official" build is good, so they don't have to check the web

Thanks and Best,

Daun DeFrance

jesse mcconnell

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