I think you're looking for something like this...

EJB Client projects
ejb1 - pom.xml
ejb2 - pom.xml
ejb3 - pom.xml

application-x-ejb-client - pom.xml

app1 - pom.xml

When starting a new project (app1 above), you only need to declare a
single dependency on application-x-ejb-client project, which will
transitively pull in the ejb1, ejb2, and ejb3 dependencies.

Give this a try and stay flexible to try some other approaches as you
become more comfortable with Maven and fully integrate it into your
development process.


On 7/31/06, Barrie Treloar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Indeed, DRY is one benefit I want to get and we have several clients.

> > I think it is important to explicit list your dependencies, otherwise
> > you pull in cruft and the kitchen sink unnecessarily.

You didn't respond to this.
Do all clients have the SAME dependency set?
Unless you are talking about a large number of client projects, and
even then, I would still explicitly list the dependencies for each
client.  As the dependencies should be correct for those clients and
not include cruft because it is easier.

> But think of a typical scenario, where client and middleware is
> developed by separate
> teams. You get decoupling of client dependency from client artifact
> naming, versioning and partitioning,
> which is controlled by the middleware team, if you use an
> intermediate 'application-x-ejb-client' project.

You get all this with maven out of the box anyway.
There is no need for an intermediate.
I am failing to follow what you are trying to do.

I'd suggest trying it the hard way and seeing how you go.
I think you will find it won't turn out to be hard or onerous.

Of course you are using maven 2 right?

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