Playing with 'mvn site' I'm finding a few surprises and documentation gaps. I'm hoping someone can explain some of these behaviours and answer a couple of questions:

- 'mvn site' with no src/site or pom configuration generates a site containing just the default set of reports; but as soon as I add <reportSets> to the pom, I don't get an index.html anymore, unless I have a src/site/site.xml. Is that expected?

- the documentation for the project-info-reports plugin only tells me how to specify some of the reports generated by default; specifically, it doesn't show how to generate the 'About' or 'Project Summary' reports. By experimentation, I've found that I can specify '<report>summary</report>' to get the 'Project Summary' report, but what do I need to specify to get the 'About' section?

- finally, the order of the <report> elements within <reportSets> seems to have no effect; I'd like to be able not only to select which reports are generated, but to specify the order the get listed in (both in the navigation pane on the left of the site and in the 'Project Information' summary page. Is that possible?



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