Look in the .project files and see if you have

Then look in Eclipse error log (Help/About/Configuration Details/View Error
Log) - maybe you find something there.

I would reinstall Eclipse and libcopy plugin.


2006/8/3, Marcel Schutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I followed these steps, but at nr. 5 when I select 'LibCopy properties'
I get an error 'Property page Creation Problems' with reason 'Plugin-in
libcopy was unable to load class

I'm using eclipse 3.2 with WTP 1.5.

Does anyone have any clues?


--- Kev D'Arcy <Kevin.A.D'[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Borut
> That seems to have done the trick! Thanks for the tips!
> Kev
> Borut Bolčina wrote:
> > Hello Kev,
> >
> > I configured Eclipse 3.2, WTP 1.5 and Maven 2.0.4 to play in the
> same
> > band. Here is how I prepared my environment for developing Tapestry
> > web applications:
> >
> >   1. Create new Dynamic Web project with Eclipse. Enter
> src/main/webapp
> >      for Content Directory. Enter src/main/java for Java Source
> > Directory.
> >   2. Install Eclipse plugin via Help/Software Updates/Find and
> Install
> >      (http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/).
> >   3. Install Eclipse plugin for synchronizing WTP Web App Libraries
> >      with Maven dependencies (http://adam.kruszewski.name/eclipse/)
> >      also with Software Updates. See
> >      http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNGECLIPSE-105?page=all for
> more
> >      on this sync issue.
> >   4. Enable your project for Maven2 by right clicking on project
> and
> >      choosing Maven2/Enable. Enter POM values, don't forget to set
> war
> >      for Packaging. The icon indicating that your project is a WTP
> >      project will be replaced my small red letter m. Also Maven2
> >      Dependencies library will show up (empty).
> >   5. Right click on your project in Package Explorer (I work in
> Java
> >      Perspective) and choose Properties. Find  LibCopy properties
> in
> >      the list and  check the only checkbox and be sure that Local
> >      folder points to src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib.
> >   6. Add dependent library  (say Tapestry) by right clicking the
> >      project and then Maven2/Add  Dependency. In the dialog type
> >      tapestry which will show up a list of possible artifacts.
> Choose
> >      version 4.0.2 and wait for all jars to download (there should
> be
> >      10). Maven2 Dependency library in Package Explorer should now
> >      contain references to jars in your local maven repository.
> Also
> >      Web App Libraries should contain white jar icons with a small
> >      arrow in the lower right corner.
> >   7. Configure Tomcat (or any other container) in
> >      Preferences/Server/Installed Runtime and then attach your
> project
> >      to this server instance.
> >   8. Specific instructions for Tapestry can be found at
> >      http://wiki.apache.org/tapestry/HowToSetupEclipseWtp
> >
> > You can now change HTML _and_ Java source files without copying
> > anything anywhere. This is as rapid as it gets in pro/large web app
> > development as far as I can tell. Having HTML designer doing page
> > mockups with Dreamweaver _in parallel_ with Tapestry coder, both
> using
> > Subversion, is a winning game but this is already off-topic.
> >
> > I hope this recipe will get you up to speed.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Borut Bolčina
> >
> > Kev D'Arcy pravi:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm trying to set-up a dynamic web project in eclipse 3.2 using
> wtp 1.5
> >> and maven. I have everything in my project compiling correctly but
> the
> >> runtime classpath is missing all the dependencies that are defined
> >> in my pom.xml. Do they need to be defined in the .classpath file
> as well
> >> as in the pom.xml?
> >>
> >> Kev
> >>
> >>
> >>

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> >>

> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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