1. I have a project that is simply a testing utility for our admins to test
their message queue setups.  I have the assembler plug in create a zip file
that contains all the jars and the class path for the executable jar.  Is it
possible for me to automatically run the assembly and upload the created zip
during release:perform?

Check out the nabble archives there are a couple posts I have replied
to that provide examples of this.  One in particular is

You can bind the assembly plugin so that it will run during the
package phase and this will automatically attach the *-bin.zip file
created in the repository during deploy and releases.

This means your admins can "self-serve" the test utilities by web
browsing your internal maven repository and downloading the correct

2. I have a project that has both unit tests and integration tests.  The
unit tests use mock objects and obviously execute automatically when test is
performed.  How do I specify the tests that need to run for integration
testing?  Also note that I will need to start Jboss in the
pre-integration-test phase and shut it down in the post-integration-test
phase.  I'm trying the codehaus mojo plug in, but it doesn't quite work as
expected, I may end up using cargo.  Does anyone have a strong opinion of
cargo and any relevant experience?

I haven't done this step yet so can't help with anything but theory.

I do know that you need to separate out your integration tests or else
they will get matched by surefire and will be run as unit tests (which
isn't what you want).
Your choices are move the tests to src/integration-test/java or move
them to another project.

You can then bind the plugins you need to the correct phases to run
your integration tests.

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