Lakshman Srilakshmanan wrote on Tuesday, September 05, 2006 10:03 AM:

> Hi All,
> Could someone please clarify the difference between declaring
> <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
> and
>       <repository>
>         <id>central</id>
>         <name>Internal Mirror of Central Repository</name>
>         <url>http://my.test/central</url>
>       </repository>
> It appears to me that maven will look at <mirrorOf> to find it's
> download. So what would be the difference in declaring
> <id>central</id>. 
> To me it appears to be doing the same thing. I must be missing
> something. 
> Could someone please help me to clarify this doubt

>From my own experience the repository declaration is bypassed e.g. for plugin 
>dependencies while the mirror declaration works also for them.

- Jörg

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