
I had the same problem and resolved it by using this instead:

   mvn org.mortbay.jetty:maven-jetty-plugin:6.0.0rc4:run

Hope that helped.


franz see wrote:
Good day,
I have just checked out jetty from [1], and I built it using "mvn clean
install -DupdateReleaseInfo=true. And it builds successfully. However,
everytime I try to use it, I get a "The PluginDescriptor for the plugin
Plugin [org.mortbay.jetty:jetty] was not found" error.
I've also checked the jar of that plugin, and indeed, it does contain

A sampe out build when I'm trying to use it in [2].

What could  be wrong here and what coud be the solution? ^_^

Thanks a bunch,

[1] http://svn.codehaus.org/jetty/jetty/trunk
[2] http://rafb.net/paste/results/s2hUpB26.html

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