I need to find out the maintainer of the fop:fop project on repo1.maven.org.
There is a severe bug in the published JAR that prevents referencing this project from own projects.

Please either fix the bug or tell me the name of the maintainer so I can ask him to fix it!

As there is no JIRA group for that project, I also cannot file a JIRA issue.

It's all about the fop plugin (groupId: fop, artifactId: fop). The current version is 0.20.5. That version's pom.xml found on repo1.maven.org contains a dependency on "xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar" (xml-apis, version 1.0.b2), which should result in "Class-Path: xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar" to be written in the main artifact "fop-0.20.5.jar". Actually the "fop-0.20.5.jar" found on repo1.maven.org doesn't contain "Class-Path: xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar" but "Class-Path: xml-apis.jar" which results in a class path resolving problem at run time in any project using FOP 0.20.5!

The same problem not only happens with "xml-apis" but with nearly ALL dependencies of fop-0.20.5 (e. g. also with "batik")!

This has to be fixed ASAP to make those projects work!
The fix is quite easy, just modify the Class-Path: entry or do "mvn clean deploy" to push another copy to repo1.maven.org.

The problem is really urgent since we need this and we do not have write access to that folder on of repo1.maven.org.

fn:Markus KARG
org:QUIPSY QUALITY GmbH;Entwicklung / R & D
adr:;;Stuttgarter Strasse 23;Pforzheim;Baden-Wuerttemberg;75179;Bundesrepublik Deutschland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Staatl. gepr. Inf.
note:QUIPSY(R) Entwicklung / R & D

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