As previously mentioned, it is quite honestly not possible to "fix"
that specific version of the pom. For a very brief period of time,
Maven was allowing changes to poms but then realized this was a bad
idea. So instead the proper way to fix issues like this is to actually
release a new version of the Maven artifact including an updated pom.

As for the question "who is the maintainer of this pom" -- unless the
FOP team has specifically taken over the Maven artifact for their
project, **anyone** can be the maintainer. This means you, or me, or
any one else interested enough in Maven and FOP to actually do the
work and submit the Maven Upload JIRA.

In this case, I would suggest the following, as you appear to be very
well versed in this particular artifact and it sounds like the FOP
team does not currently maintain the pom file...

Download the FOP source code (or binary if you won't compile it) for
version 0.20.5
Download the pom.xml for version 0.20.5
Alter the pom.xml as needed and bump version to
Compile the source code if needed and package the JAR
Create the Maven artifact bundle using the new pom
(Install this artifact in your local repo and make sure it works like
you expect by using it in your project, check the Class-Path etc)
Create a new Maven JIRA for this new version and attach your new
bundle to the issue
Wait for feedback from Carlos et al and hope you didn't screw anything
up; if so, adjust your bundle as requested and re-upload
Once accepted, the new artifact will appear in Central

This is your best approach (imo) to get this updated FOP artifact
installed in the Maven Repo. Unless of course someone else has a
better suggestion...

You asked about "quality control" previously... The assumption is that
the people contributing builds to Maven are competent enough to create
proper builds with reasonable pom.xml files etc. Ideally every Java
project will eventually take over as maintainers of the Maven artifact
but this is not required, nor is it entirely reasonable to expect it
to ever occur.

While there is some checking and testing before artifacts are
installed into Central, in general, its not reasonable to expect the
handful of Maven Repo maintainers to know everything about every
project, so instead they simply trust the community and provide a way
to "easily" update the artifacts, so when problems appear, the
community can "easily" take care of it. Maven automatically looks for
updates to artifacts, so new versions are pulled down and used as they
are made available.


On 9/20/06, Markus KARG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

this thread is not about local repositories or Sun JARs, it is solely
Not more. Not less. So do you know the author of the fop:fop pom.xml
file so that I can tell him of the bug, or don't you? Sorry, but
meanwhile this thread is used by anyone to discuss anything...


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