Busch, Hendrik (LNG-MUE) schrieb:


This has to be fixed ASAP to make those projects work!
The fix is quite easy, just modify the Class-Path: entry or do "mvn
clean deploy" to push another copy to repo1.maven.org.

The problem is really urgent since we need this and we do not have write
access to that folder on of repo1.maven.org.

If this is a really urgent matter I suggest that you fix that problem on your own side. Just apply the fix you suggested to the jar file from repo1 and install it to your local repository server (or your local .m2 directory if you happen to have no own server) using a a special version number and reference this newly installed artifact version in your projects.

Yes this is urgent and we fixed it on our side meanwhile, but our customers rely on beeing able to build our products using Maven and so there is no help currently but to tell them "The stuff on the Maven repository is broken". :-(
fn:Markus KARG
org:QUIPSY QUALITY GmbH;Entwicklung / R & D
adr:;;Stuttgarter Strasse 23;Pforzheim;Baden-Wuerttemberg;75179;Bundesrepublik Deutschland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Staatl. gepr. Inf.
note:QUIPSY(R) Entwicklung / R & D

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