Markus KARG wrote on Wednesday, September 20, 2006 7:39 AM:

> Jörg Schaible schrieb:


>>> This does not help, since it is no POM issue! Maven may
> select the version declared in the POM but it does not have
> to. So it is quite brain dead for any library to define a fix
> classpath in the manifest. Do the devs know with which other
> libs and deps they're users have to be compatible? E.g. we're
> running FOP with complete different avalon artifacts ...
> That's wrong. Maven automatically creates the correct Class-Path
> attributes in the manifest, and it's up to the fop team to
> decide what
> third party library versions to use. 

No! If any library would declare a Class-Path in its deps, you could nearly use 
none in combination. Just because you can Maven configure to generate it, it is 
not said that it makes any sence. The classpath entry are useful for jars that 
behave as applications, but not for libraries that are suppoed to be used by 

> But yes, there is one exception.
> FOP has declared some libraries that are not needed in the Class-Path
> because J2SE already has factories for that (e. g. XML
> parser). It was
> wrong by FOP to hard-code e. g. those libraries in the
> Class-Path while
> actually its up to the user to adjust the wanted vendor and
> version by
> using the J2SE factory customization. But for all other libraries it
> MUST be the FOP author's decision to choose a vendor and
> version, since
> he must assert that the FOP code is able to run with,

That's why Maven generates a dependency report to *document* the used libraries.

> since
> users do not
> know otherwise what third party stuff is needed. That's what the
> Class-Path was invented and standardized for (see JAR MANIFEST
> specification). 

So, I wish you all the best with those 3 year old dependencies, but please do 
not send messages to this list, if other teams have chosen to do so too and the 
versions of FOP's deps are incompatible with the deps from the artifacts of the 
other teams.

- Jörg

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