Hello, Maven experts.

First, let me say I have attempted to search the documentation and the
mailing list archives for the answer to this question.  The
documentation seems to say I can't do what I'm trying to do, and there
seems to be no search facility for the mailing list archives.

The requirement:  
        1.  We have a build that uses Maven, and uses the Maven ant
tasks in antlib.  
        2.  One of the tasks copies things out of the local repository
into a release area.
        2.  We have huge build machines that are capable of running
several builds at a time.  We 
          want to make use of that capacity.
        3.  We have one generic user account for doing daily/nightly
builds, and want that user 
          be the one that does all the daily/nightly builds.
        4.  We want each build to use its own local repository, so that
builds run in parallel
          will not interfere with one another.

The problem:
        1.  The ant tasks in antlib look only in the settings.xml file
at ~/.m2/settings.xml
          for settings.  That's where you specify the location of the
local repository.
        2.  There is no other place besides the settings.xml file to
specify the location of a 
            <localRepository/> (at least, not that I have found, and I
have searched diligently).
        3.  The localRepository is not one of the things that can be
specified in a <profile/>.
        4.  The <property/> tag is not permitted in <settings/>.
        4.  Therefore, as far as I can determine, all builds by a given
user have to use the same
          local repository on the same machine, either taking the
default repository location or
          the location specified in ~/.m2/settings.xml.  

If we were not using the Maven ant tasks, there are several ways to
address this matter.  There 
is the -s parameter to Maven, there is the $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml,
where we could vary 
the value of $M2_HOME according to which build we are doing.  These
mechanisms do not work for
the Maven ant tasks, as those tasks ignore $M2_HOME/conf and have no
access to a -s argument.

Can anyone suggest what to do?  Someone here suggested filing a JIRA
request for enhancement 
to Maven Antlib.  That will take quite awhile, so I'm hoping there
actually is already a way 
to do this and I just haven't found it yet.

--Marilyn Sander

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  • Using ant and al... Marilyn Sander -X \(marilysa - Digital-X, Inc. at Cisco\)

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