Here's a quick and dirty Eclipse Monkey (
script to make all target folders derived. Update site for Eclipse
Monkey is

--- Came wiffling through the eclipsey wood ---
* Menu: Maven > Make Maven Targets Derived
* Kudos: Donnchadh Ó Donnabháin
* License: EPL 1.0
* DOM:

function main() {
 var files = resources.filesMatching(".*/pom\\.xml");
 var targetFolder;

 for each( file in files ) {
   if (targetFolder = file.eclipseObject.parent.findMember("target")) {
--- And burbled as it ran! ---

Once you've installed eclipse monkey, copy the contents of this
message and select 'Monkey > Paste Script'. You will now have a new
menu item 'Monkey > Maven > Make Maven Targets Derived'

As I said it's quick and dirty so feel free to improve on it.


On 10/17/06, Daniel Serodio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Douglas Ferguson wrote:
> Awesome! Thanks.
The only problem is that this breaks when the "target" folder is
re-created (for example, if you run "mvn clean", because this
information ("is derived") is stored in the folder's metadata.
I've requested the ``ability to "remember" that a resource is derived
when said resource is deleted´´
(, but it seems
like it's not going to happen (see

Daniel Serodio
> Where does it store this value? I can't find it in any of the config files 
for the project.
> Could this be added to eclipse:eclipse?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Donnchadh Ó Donnabháin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 8:48 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Eclipse & target directory
> In eclipse right-click on the target folder and select 'Properties...'
> Then, in the Info page, check the 'derived' check box. This should
> exlude it from searches and resource lookups. Probably error reporting
> too but I haven't verified that
> Donnchadh
> On 9/5/06, Douglas Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> When using eclipse on war projects, the target directory will start to
>> collect copies of jsp files, from war:war commands, etc.
>> Is there a way to have eclipse ignore the files when searching and
>> reporting errors?

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